Kiro Magazine

Kiro Magazine is ReadMe’s speculative fiction bi-annual e-magazine showcasing  re-imagined stories from our favorite folklore.

Illustration by Evans Amuk

Table of contents

1. Urban Fantasy – Descent by Ema Babikwa

2. Science Fiction – Mystery of the Nyamiyonga Sequence Breaker by David Jr. 

3. Dark Fantasy – The Ballad of the Brook King by John Ssuuna

4. Dystopian/Thriller – The Darkers by Racheal Kobusingye

5. Magical Realism – Spears in the Kraal by Collin Wambete

Watch out for the Special; an excerpt from The Nkya Chronicles, a Sc-fi/Fantasy comic book.

Each story is accompanied by an illustration by Evans Amuk

Subscribe to access the magazine.

KIRO Short Story submissions

The story prompt for Issue #2 is a folklore from the Dodoth.

More details to be communicated.

Submission window will open 1st March

Speculative Arts Column

Here, we take a look deep into Afrofuturism, visiting authors of this genre, and how it is emancipating Africans and people of African descent.

Our Editors

for our 1st issue of Kiro Magazine

Dean Mani

Precious Colette Kemigisa

Mable Amuron

Doreen Muhanuzi


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